Thursday, January 2, 2014

Ode to Diet Coke

Oh Diet Coke, you fill me with joy! 
my full Styrofoam cup filled might be better than a boy...
remember when the stewardess brought me the full can with out me even asking?
yes that was the day she and i became friends, a friendship completely unlacking...

Then she remembered my love of you on the second leg of the flight,
I might marry her now that it's legal all over, yes i just might! 

Then I could fly free and sip you all over the skies,
I'd ask myself, with unlimited Diet Coke, who needs guys?

I rarely need more than a can and some netflix,
they are just the medicine for all ales i must fix.

Diet Coke, you may have once been made with a drug,
your past I will happily sweep under the rug.

I wrote this poem for you, and I do so knowing,
there will be ridicule others think owing.

To them I say they won't understand our love,
And that's ok because I know plenty who will agree with the above!

To my fellow addicts I wish you well
Happy day to all from me and my Diet Coke, to the rest I can only attempt to tell
this story of one girl's love of a soda
however, this is the end, there will be no coda!

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