- Lotion--> I remember when I was in Junior High, like 7th grade, I had this guy (who's name I can no longer remember) who's locker was right next to mine, and down a level. I remember one spring day coming to school in these shorts and thinking OMG what's-his-name (it started with a K or something, all I remember was he was hot) is going to think I have the driest legs of all time! I was so worried about that... I remember talking to him and making a comment about how dry my legs were, you know because the best way to make sure someone doesn't notice something is to point it out... and so from that day on he called me "dry legs" and from that day on I have not been with out lotion with out FREAKING out! And it's not just my legs anymore, it's my hands, I can't handle it when they are dry, I start to basically hyperventilate! So yes, the first thing I will NEVER be with out is Lotion!
- Baby Wipes--> I use them to wash my makeup off, I use them to clean, I use them for everything, so if I'm going to be on a desert island with no way to bathe, or a stock of toilet paper, I'm bringing a lifetime supply of frakking baby wipes! Plus if by some miracle I meet a man on this desert island (And lets be real, if it's not happening for me here in America it's got to be because some indigenous man is waiting for me on this remote island i don't know how I got stuck on) and I have his native baby, I'm going to be super glad I have those baby wipes!
- It has recently come to my attention that I may have male readers, so I'm going to try to say this as delicately as possible... hahahahaha, ok let's be real when have I ever been Delicate... hahahaha! Ok, item number 3 is Tampons... I don't know how women survived with out them and I don't want to find out! Plus, if Amanda Bynes taught us anything it's that Beckham uses them all the time for nose bleeds and if I'm going to be stuck on a desert island fighting indigenous women for the right to one of the tribal men, then I'm going to end up with some bloody noses! (But you should see the other chick before you judge too harshly, she's way more messed up!)
So there you have it my 3-most valuable items (of the moment) If you have any further questions about life on a deserted island please watch Blue Lagoon...
Make sure to tell me in the comments the 3-things you can't live without! Or do you agree with me!?
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