Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wave to the audience

So I've been thinking, I've been watching the OC which I got on DVD at Hastings for under $30... yes ALL 4 SEASONS! So I watch this show which is 150% drama ALL THE TIME and I just experience these characters making the same mistakes over and over again... they ruin their lives:

Ryan commits acts of violence, Marissa experiments with substance abuse, Julie is just a terrible person, Sandy and Kirsten despite being a seemingly perfect couple (for New Port anyway) continue to hover on the edge of extra marital affairs... honestly the only sane person is Summer, who's best friend is a My Little Pony who's name is Princess Sparkle.

I love this show!

So I watch these characters destroy their lives over and over again and I get to thinking... is someone watching me make the same mistakes over and over again? So I thought it might be a good idea for me to enumerate my mistakes right here and now, put it all in the open, because as we all know from Marissa's counseling escapades and Kirsten's stint in rehab, acceptance is the first step to recovery!

  1. I'm pretty sure there is some girl like me sitting at home staring at her computer screen (obviously in a different universe) yelling at me saying "WHY DO YOU STAY UP SO LATE!!" she's thinking to her self "over and over again, every episode, this girl sits and stares at her stupid computer on youtube watching Jimmy Fallon, watching her DVD sets, Netflixing, Huluing... she needs some dang sleep! No wonder she's single!"
  2. And then she's watching me try to decide whether my craving for Taco Bell is enough to conquer my desire to not move at all and she's thinking to herself: "Oh my gosh woman, get off your butt and do something! at least walk on the treadmill while you watch the OC!" 
  3. Let's not forget my D in Stats... I'm sure she's thinking "You know maybe you shouldn't be bragging so much about how 'D's get degrees'... it's only cute for so long!"
  4. But I'm sure the one that gets her the most is the state of my closet, I can just see her, sitting their feet away from her impeccably organized closet just asking her self "how does a closet like that even support a normal human... it's not natural, it's disgusting! I mean really, when was the last time you did laundry" and if she payed any attention to the "previously on Sam's life..." She'd know that the last time I did laundry was 2 weeks ago, so there! 
So in this alternate universe where the other me, who's much more organized and probably watching me while she walks on the treadmill I'm sure altea-Sam is throughly enjoying the over-voice narration of this blog entry. And in the spirit of time-space-confusion I just want to say hey to her... so I'll wave to my audience... but first I have to figure out where they're hiding the cameras...

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