Friday, March 28, 2014


In case you were wondering, the topic I'm most passionate about and chose to write on... TV. True story, once I'm done with more than the outline I'll make sure to share. I'm not sure how my teacher will feel about a paper that's in writing 99% facetious but in reality 100% true... Any who...

Should is a word my Interpersonal Communications class studied last week, the idea that there is a "fallacy of should" that we humans often subscribe to. The idea behind it is that sometimes we mix up the way the world is with the way the would should be... So I'm going to do that today, I'm going to make a list of all the things I should do...
  1. I should get out of bed before 9am... does that happen, not very often. Sometimes I find myself awake but out of principle and because of my set of beliefs (mornings are the worst) I lay in bed for an extra few minutes... OK HOURS!
  2. I should stop drinking Diet Coke... ya, but that's not gonna happen! 
  3. I should eat healthier... but, I mean, come one... PASTA IS SO GOOD! 
  4. I should do homework before the day it's due, but I like the drama
  5. I should save more money, and I'm working on it, but isn't it so much more fun to nickel and dime yourself to death? At least when you can no longer pay you're rent you can warm you self with all the stuff you bought at the dollar store... SO.... MUCH..... STUFF!!! 
  6. I should admit that I've seen all the episodes of 30Rock and stop watching it on Netflix... but I won't
  7. I should be doing homework right now...
  8. I should clean my room right now...
 There are many more but that'll do for now... There are lots of things I should do but why do them when I can drink Diet Coke while eating Stake Gorgonzola Fettuccine from Olive Garden and watching 30Rock on Netflix... ya, that sounds like the best night ever!

PS... incase you can't handle your self and you're staring at that picture hoping to recreate it:

Here's a recipe for the  Stake Gorgonzola Deliciousness

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