Thursday, September 5, 2013

Fake it 'till you make it, Part deux

So another thing I've been thinking a lot about lately is confidence...
  • Who has it?
  • What is it?
  • Where do people get it?
  • When do you develop it?
  • Why do they have more than I do?
  • How can I get some?
These are all questions I've asked myself over my 24-kissless-years of life... and I feel like I've come up with a pretty good system of faking it and I will continue to fake it until I make it. Here's some help for those of you out there who could use a little booster. But before we get to the how, I'm going to address the questions I posed because I imagine since "I'm every woman" (Thank you Whitney Huston) I'm not the only one who's asked these questions...
  1. Who has it?
    • Well the simple answer to this question is NO ONE! The harder to understand answer is EVERYONE! Everyone has the potential for confidence... it's just sitting in your heart waiting to blossom into a beautiful confidence-flower!
  2. What is it?
    • Simple answer: The belief that you are awesome! Difficult answer: The knowledge of who you are, where you come from, and the potential you have...
  3. Where do people get it?
    • I don't really think there's a simple answer to this one... But like I said in answer #2, it's a knowledgeof who you are... etc...cheezie junk... I think it comes from a spiritual understanding, this can be religion, or meditation, or you can be like Jessica from yesterday's post and just know that you and everyone around you is awesome! But it's not just something you wake up with... you have to work at it! What did I do, you may be asking yourself...
      1. Prayer
      2. Scripture Study
      3. Stared at my beautiful self in mirrors
      4. Asked people to remind me how awesome/hilarious I am (For real... I had to do that a couple of times... I know it sounds bad, but whatever!)
      5. Remind other's how awesome they are... First off this usually makes them feel like they have to tell you something similar! Second as my friend Lem reminded me today, thinking about others keeps your mind off yourself and that is good and makes you feel good!
      6. sing... all the time!
  4. When do you develop it?
    • I don't think it ever just happens... I think it's a constant struggle, we are human so we have this weakness that some people call Satan, and others call self-doubt... it's all the same thing, it's something inside of us telling us we suck and others rock. It's how we compare ourselves to everyone else, it's all that shiz... but the only way to combat it is just like I said before, know who you are... know what you believe, know what you like, what you love, who you love, and don't be ashamed of any of it!
  5. Why do they have more than I do?
    • In all honesty, usually the people who seem to have it all, usually don't. they just know who to fake it 'till they make it!
  6.  How can I get some... so now that I look back on what I've already written, I'm pretty sure I've already answered this... so just do it!
Well... I'm sure you're sitting at your computer thinking "Seriously dude... just stick to what you know... making me laugh at poop jokes!" So I promise next time I'll try, but I just am so grateful for all my beautiful/handsom/awesome readers and so I want you to know how awesome you are! If you have anything to add PLEASE leave it in the comments so I can grow my confidence!

Peace and Love!

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