Monday, September 23, 2013

Social life.

So my social life consists of being a Taxi Driver... Seriously the only time I get to have any interaction with people in my age group is when I'm driving them to Walmart... or picking them up... etc... Seriously, there has got to be something in that....  The reason I'm not dating is because men only see me as a foreign man who drives a little yellow car around.

Lesson #29--> Try not to be come some sort of service worker...

Really a service worker of any type; taxi driver, hooker, door-mam (haha, get it?), etc... These people do not get dates... they are already married... or they are hookers...

So here's my question how do I change my image, this whole taxi driver thing probably won't stop unless my car officially goes out of commission, mostly because I'm too nice, oh and I really don't want to give up my social life! I have no time for any other sort of a social life... what's a girl to do?!

I know! Online dating... I'm choosing between the following sites:

Well now that I've got my list... I'm gonna start finding me a man!

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