Thursday, September 19, 2013

My two boyfriends...

So I was talking to my friend the other day about how we handle things so super differently... She was talking about how she had been at a marathon (the choir I work with was preforming after the run) and she  was looking at the runner's times... So she's seeing how fast all these runners ran 8-miles... like 10-minute miles all the way through... yuck! She's telling me how she felt super bad so the next day she ran like 10 miles...

I do not handle feeling bad that way... If I were in her situation it would have been me going home plopping on my couch and having a snack with my two boyfriends, Ben and Jerry! Seriously guys, who needs a man when you have two... who love you, never judge you, always are willing to change for you and your personal tastes that day! Seriously... Ben and Jerry are the PERFECT men...

Let's start with their appearance... have you ever seen Ben and Jerry... they are MEN.... like in the mountains mixing up ice cream kind of men. They are just two guys who love ice cream and decided to get together and make the rest of the world a better place...

If you are down and have a desire to be cheered up by two bearded studs named Ben and Jerry, here's a list of some of my favorite flavors!

  1. Americone Dream
  2. Karmel Sutra
  3. Half Baked
  4. Tobias Funke's I Just Blue Myself
  5. Schweddy Balls
Now if you understand the last one then we really are friends! Take a minute and enjoy some frozen calories, and have a better day!

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