Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Boy talk

Last night I hung out with boys... It was fascinating!

Monday Night is Family night and when you are single your family is other single people your age so I went to have family night with a bunch of other single people here in Gillette. We played a game where you were given a verb and an adverb (two words who's meaning I have forgotten since 9th grade so I relearned them last night) and we had to act them out for someone to guess... The result was pretty entertaining:

We had someone lift weights musically

Another friend of mine played Quidditch womanly (so good is another way to say that...)

Ethan washed dishes in a manly way

One guy had to flirty softly... I got hit on... For the first time in my life! He asked me what kind of fabric his sweatshirt was, when I didn't know he informed me that it was boyfriend material... Hahaha

I did laundry in a nerdy way (it was probably the hit of the night... I pushed up my glasses, which I do any way, I talked about loving biology, which anyone who saw my report card from last semester knows means I'm an excellent actor...) 

My personal favorite was the guy who was a little too enthusiastic about his charge to slay a dragon offensively... He grabbed a broom and went at a bush like it had burned down his thatched-roof cottage with his mother inside... ( yes I say mother and not wife and children because he seems like the type of guy who would be more upset about loosing his mother than the woman who birthed his children... Bates motel anyone?!)

So after we had a little too much fun enacting my ninth grade worksheets and ate cake a majority of the people left and there was just a few of us left, some of my closer friends... All guys, me and all guys (my favorite type of party)

There were fart jokes, girl talk... Who's hot and who's not... I was mentioned on more than one occasion as being like a sister... Which while being a mutual feeling and there for not too hard to hear, is still one of those things that when you hear it you're like "typical..." 

We ended up talking about how great Tuck Everlasting is... Don't lie you know you love it!! 

In conclusion I LOVE hanging out with guys they are so much easier to be around than girls some times... Why? Because they can talk about nothing for hours... Girls need meaningful conversation... Blech!

So thank you boys for being boys... Ps, please date me ( not the guys from last night but just som men... Preferably a tall man... With dark hair... Not that I'm picky.) 

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