Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fishing in New Waters!

As I meander through Walmart I'm struck with the realization that this is the pond I have to fish from (yes we are going to use the age-old analogy of dating=fishing)... Walmart is the hub of humanity... every kind of person shops at Walmart, especially in a town where it's the only place you can find everything you need... even men?
This is how I will now approach dating

So here's the conclusion I've come to...Reason #34 I'm too picky!

It's apparent to me now that there must have been PLEANTY of men willing to date me I just never considered them as dating material... I mean, look at the couples around you next time you're at Walmart... I'm prettier than MANY of those women, so why am I not dating their boyfriends? I'm a stingy bee-och! Those poor guys have probably tried hitting on me millions of time, ok... maybe tens of times... anyway, I've been hit on I just thought they were too unattractive to hit on anyone, they were just being nice. Wow, I'm the worst!

So here's my solution, I'm going to make a list of all the types of guys I now need to be paying attention to if I'm going to get kissed in the next 152 days...

  1. Baggy-pants guys... Yes, their pants may not fit but that's just because they are trying to fit them to their hearts, not their waist!
  2. Guys with messy hair... just because they can't afford a trip to the barber shop or buy a comb doesn't mean they don't have arms that can hold you when the night gets cold!
  3. Men who have no life plan... I've always dreamed of being rich, yes, but that's pretty unrealistic, isn't it? I need to accept that every man in this world is not aspiring to be a White-Collar worker... some men were born with a plastic spoon in their mouths and they are pretty happy with the easy kitchen clean up that comes with picnic supplies...
  4. X-Box Live Champions... Some men aspire to be on the Forbes List of Most Successful Men, Some men aspire to save lives as a surgeon, some men want to be writers, some men want to be fathers, and some men want to be ranked in the top 50 on the Ghost Protocol Leader Boards... everyone has dreams, don't act like they are all of value!
  5. Guys who still live with their moms.... Really, who wouldn't still live with their mom, no one washes underwear like that woman!

Even Kanye still loves his mama!
I'm sure I missed a few, but the point is that I'm opening my eyes, my arms, and most importantly, my heart! There are plenty of men out there just waiting to find the right gal who won't judge, and loves them, baggy pants, bead head, and all! I can't wait to see what happens now!

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