Friday, May 16, 2014

HP, Marriage & Robots

OK, so I don't know how long Pinterest has been doing this but I just recently noticed that it is starting to guess what kinds of things I'm interested in... and it's pretty embarrassing... I think in the past I've talked about my wedding board. It's called "I'm such a girl" because I am, and it makes me feel a little better about how much crap I pin to that board, like I can blame it on the X-Chormosome my father forced on me... Pinterest has decided that the two things I'm the most interested in are Wedding stuff and Harry Potter, and you know what, Pinterest ain't wrong...

The Harry Potter thing isn't something I'm ashamed of, although maybe I should be? I don't know, it's like nerdieness is now cool so I don't have to feel bad about the fact that I know that Cedric Diggory's wand was Ash Wood and Unicorn Tail... or that it kind of bothers me that in the 4th HP movie they replaced Dobby saving the day with Neville, I mean, I love Neville as much as anyone but we only had so long with Dobby, why take that away from us?! GOSH! Sorry... not the point. The point is that if I were ever to get a tattoo, which is not likely due to 1. I'm terrified of inflicting that kind of pain on myself and 2. My body is a temple and all that... if I were to though, it would probably be of the Deathly Hallows, or a quote from Hagrid or something, because it means something to me... and that's ok! But you know what's not ok...

My obsession with marriage, weddings, engagement, colors, flowers, lace, reception decorations, themes (not HP though, I'm not that cray cray...) rings, all that stuff, it's bad. I can't keep blaming my gender on it any more, normal girls aren't this bad. Then again, normal girls have had their first kiss before their 25th birthday, and we're less than a month away from that dead line, so probably not gonna happen... I'm just over compensating I think, middle aged men get hair pieces and Corvettes, middle aged women get 23 year old models and I get an overflowing of suggestions from the smart-computer that is Pinterest of sparkly engagement rings, lacey wedding dresses, and bouquets with spring colors. Why can't I get a 23 year old model, I'll take a Corvette too now that we're talking about it...

I guess what I'm trying to say is I miss the days when we were worried about super computers thinking for themselves and taking over the world, because now Pinterest thinks in knows me but obviously it doesn't, because what it's forgetting is my obsession with Blake Lively's hair and Italian food, so take that Pinterest (or other self sustaining robots)! You may have infiltrated the government in an effort to take over the world but you will never be able to guess all the things I like!

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