Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Judy Dench

It's time to move on my friends, I've graduated with an associates yes a 2-year degree and guess what, it only took me 6! So what's next? Movin' on! I've been in the school-business for quite some time so now it's time to move on, I'll be getting ready to transition from young-adult-hood to real-adult-hood... What's that, you say? "It's not possible for someone as inexperienced as you, Sam" Well... you may be right BUT I turn 25 in less than a month and #thankstoobama, no but really, #thankyouobama for allowing me to stay on my parents health insurance for another year! So I've got one year to get it together! So I've come up with a plan... and it all starts with Judy Dench!

YES, THE Dame Judy Dench! Ok, not THE Dame Judy Dench... the Dog Judy Dench! Judy Dench is a strange dog that wandered into my friend's home and won't go away and so I've told Delene that if in 3-months The Dame is still around** I'll take her off her hands and take her with me... where too, not sure yet, but by then I'll know!

So The Doge Judy Dench is going to teach me about being a grown up... I'll have more than myself to care for, so midnight trip to Taco Bell will be foiled when I'm reminded that it's Taco Bell or dog food! Boom, so more than fixing my lack of mulah and inability to save said mulah, I will be forced to eat healthier! BAM! Thank you Dame!

Dang... now I really want Midnight Taco Bell!

Anyway, the point is that Judy Dench is going to save my life... and I  CANT  WAIT!

**If Judy Dench has, in three months, moved on I will probably get a dog somewhere else, I'll name it according to which celebrity it looks most like... I'm hoping for an Audrey Hepburn, or Rock Hudson, ooh maybe a Pitt Bull named Brad Pitt!

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