Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Punching yourself in the face...

Facebook stalking is like punching yourself in the face, how you ask? Here are my top-5 reasons:

  1. You look up old crushes to see how they are, usually they are hotter than ever and dating someone hotter than you
  2. Looking up girls who were mean to you usually leads to the discovery that not only are they married to someone super fine, they also have adorable children... and you've never even been kissed... oh wait, maybe that's just me...
  3. Looking up friends of friends, well they usually have a cooler life than you ever will, oh and they like bands you've never even dreamed of and this leads to jealousy and resentment issues only to be worked out with a highly paid professional... And that leads to debt, so good on ya!
  4. Looking at your current crush's pictures, they've always known some serious hotties and have some skandy pics with them... And then your left crying in a corner in the fetal possession. 
  5. Checking you're BFF's pics... well let's be real, that's gonna lead to some sort of jealousy and/or   the unearthing of secrets you don't really want to know...
So, if you're even considering a little bit of the new American pass-time, at least while Baseball's on the off season, here's your fair warning... be careful.
Have a great FB-Stalking story? Share it in the comments below!

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