Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Such a disturbing word... it fills students everywhere with fear and loathing... and this week is my finals week. Due to the weirdest school schedule ever! I have classes January-July and I am officially ready to be done!

I don't really get the point of finals, I believe when the whole institution started it went something like this (all villains speak in british accents so remember to think in one while you're reading this) "Cheerio old chap! So I was thinking about how e can best destroy all the spirits of our students, as this is our ultimate job... well I've decided the best way is to teach them stuff through months of classes, test them on it, give them busy work and then, just when they can see the finish line we test them on it all over again. That's right we force them to cram into their brain's a semester's worth
of studying all over again, just to see how much stress they can handle. We'll force the, to over use caffeine, stay up for hours on end, and cry unit their tears fun dry... and their finals will count for a ridiculous 50% of their grade!" Yes, that's almost precisely how it went down, I'm quite sure! Oh... I've got to turn off my british brain!

We'll I'm off to misuse caffeine, sleep deprive myself, and possibly cry until my tears run dry!

Talk to you tomorrow, kids!

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