Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A day in the life of someone with wayyyy too much homework!

I have a theory about why I'm not getting dates (ok, so as you've deduced by reading this blog I have about a million theories about why I'm not dating) Today's theory involves my proficiency in the art of procrastination!

Lesson #13: Do your homework!

There are probably boys out there who can smell my procrastination a mile away (or that might be because I haven't showered and I just got done play softball in the sun) They are steering clear away from the crazy girl who leaves all her homework for the Last minute!

This is not a skill you want to develop, so stop right now, while you still can... I'm too far into it, it will take a miracle to get me out of this rut! My mother says I have a "Way with words" I think she's just saying I can BS really well in mom-lauguage (Mom-Language: the dialect in which mothers take the weirdest and most undesirable of their children's abilities and make them sound awesome... it also is used when you mother is mad at you and you are in front of people... Mom's; making bad things sound good since Eve and the Apple) So anyway, I have this thing where I can BS really well, but when you leave a million things to do in one day (from the hours of now until 6PM, it makes it a little bit harder!)

I want you all to say something with me, and really mean it, this is for your own good!!: I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE! Say it louder! I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE!Ok... now that we've lied to ourselves, I'm going to go do some (and by some I mean a lot) of homework! Wish me luck!  And next time you want to procrastinate imagine this little girl glaring at you... that'll make you think twice...

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