Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A day in the life of the unmarried...

My friend Leea and I decided that this whole unmarried thing is super hard to deal with when married guys neglect to wear their wedding rings. Here's the deal guys, it's bad enough to try and flirt with a guy, it's awkward, it's scary, and then to add to that having to wonder if they are married on top of just wondering if they could ever like you...

It's not fair to your wives either, because we are obviously hotter than they are, so now they are sitting at home thinking "those unmarried hotties are taking my non-ring wearing husband from me!" Now gentlemen, if you wore a ring that would not be a problem!

Lesson #9: stop being attracted to married men

It's like I have this radar, when a married guy comes into a room I'm like "ooh he's hot, yes please come sit next to me," and then BAM there's the ring and it's like "Damage!!" So it's my procedure now to automatically look at their wedding-ring finger first thing but if you aren't wearing a ring, how am I supposed to judge if I can look at them in a lustful way or not?!

I get it guys, you're married, you don't have a whole lot to worry about in the opposite-sex department, but we are not married... we unfortunate people only worry about the opposite-sex department. Wearing a ring would really help us out!

In conclusion if you are married wear a ring so the rest of us who have not had that fortune can move on to the others who also haven't had that fortune!

Love you long time!

Here's some examples:

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